Really?A THIRD special board meeting called with the sole purpose to humiliate and fire our police chief. There's wrong and there's Lakewood Wrong.
Transparent RetaliationEither the conduct is wrong across the board & everyone must follow the same rules or the conduct is fine. You can not have it both ways.
Warning Graphic Content Ahead...Not my graphic content or expose' style reporting -- but I fear tonight's meeting will need a warning label.
It's a Matter of TrustWhen it all comes down to who are you going to trust and what's lost when trust is broken?
Are all Investigations Equal?More questions than answers. But why are two sets of complaints being treated SO very differently? What risk does this open us up to?
Too Twisted for Color TVIn light of so many things that are wrong, it appears our current administration doubles down on retaliation and hostility.
Opinion: Criminal or Incompetent?Is where we are a result of Criminal Intent or Managerial Incompetence?
Opinion: Augustine-Berman Report has Serious IssuesMy thoughts on the Finding of "Facts" Report -- which seems more like bluster and less actual facts.