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Writer's pictureTricia Babischkin

Board Packet Review: May 11, 2021

As I prepared to write this review, I found myself really struggling. When I first started these reviews, it was to ask the questions I didn't feel the board was asking. The goal was not originally to pick the meetings apart, but it quickly felt that way as I lost trust in the leadership and kept finding 'the rest of the story.' So, when I looked at this agenda I realized that I'm struggling with my goal. I no longer am in the position of begging for questions to be asked that won't; I'm no longer in the position of feeling like I'm getting 1/3 of the story; I trust those who put the agenda together and I see much more detail in the back-up for each item. So, I admit, I'm looking for the new goal of these reviews. This is new to me and while the change is welcomed -- it is change and I'm still figuring out where this will take us.

So, where once I wanted to ask the questions the board would not; I'm in a position to ask those questions. Additionally, I only speak for myself and don't want to prevent any meeting discussion; I'll do my best to review the packet -- but encourage you that if YOU have questions, please reach out -- let us know so that you can be answered in the meeting.

Board Meeting Agenda

The board meeting will be held in person at RedTail Golf Club. Due to the current COVID-19 public health emergency, the capacity of the room is limited to 46 people, including the Village Board, staff, and consultants. In order to comply with the Open Meeting Act and adhere to the pandemic protocols, this meeting will also be streamed live on Zoom. Should any member of the public wish to make public comment and is unable to attend in person, please email your comments or questions to: before noon on May 11, 2021. Audio recordings are available, after the meeting date, on the website at

*We are currently working on new on-line viewing technology, please refer back on Sunday, May 9th after 4:00 PM for updated information

We return to in person! The room size is limited, but if you can't get in the room you can watch on Zoom. To make the overall experience better, we are taking public comments in person or via email. The team is looking into a better streaming option, so I expect over the next few months an evolution of the public meeting experience. ___________________________________________ Please Note: This meeting is being audio recorded Roll Call - Establish Quorum Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Public Comments (Not to exceed 30 minutes as an item)

NOTE: Major change in the way Public Comments is being done. We are asking that if you have a comment on topic on the agenda, you hold it until that item is discussed. This way your comment will be connected to the agenda item and could help the board make a decision. This section of public comments will hopefully be focused on information from the public that the not currently on the agenda. I have no idea how this is going to work out in reality -- but I'm excited to try something new. CONSENT AGENDA: Note: Items under the Consent Agenda are considered and enacted on a single motion. There is no separate discussion of these items prior to the Board vote unless: 1) a Board Member requests that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate action or 2) a citizen requests an item be removed and this request is, in turn, proposed by a member of the Village Board for separate action. 1. Request Approval of Minutes: a. March 9, 2021 Regular Village Board Meeting One thing I'm asking for is less editorializing in our minutes -- we have full audio recordings of these meetings and we have no need for the level of detail in the minutes that become cumbersome to hard to follow. My feeling is that minutes should report the results of votes and perhaps the highlights of the discussion and public comments.

2. Request Approval of Bill Lists:

a) Accounts Payable Invoices Dated April 30, 2021 in the Amount of $40,579.18

Did anyone notice another $12,000 payment to HR Green for the Bard and Beaver Pond project? I originally outlined the overages in this road project here. At the 3/9/21 meeting, the prior administration claimed that this would close out the final payment for this project. However, do you see the date on this invoice? Yup -- November 9th! When I kept saying that we weren't seeing all the bills -- I was right. The Bard/Beaver Pond project is approximately $60,000 over approved spending. That is 40% over budget. 40% not approved by the board and $40,000 over the authorized spending that the CAO could do without board approval. Anyone else wondering how many more of these we will find?

b) Accounts Payable Invoices Dated May 12, 2021 in the Amount of $40,246.56

c) Accounts Pre-Paid Invoices Dated April 30, 2021 in the Amount of $27,772.08

2. Request Approval of Financial Statements: None 3. Items Removed from Consent Agenda - If Any


4. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance No. 2021-(08) – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 3, Village Administration, Adding Section 3.18, Code of Conduct, to the Lakewood Municipal Code Public Comments

To me, this is great step forward and truthfully a step toward the healing that this village needs. After nearly a year of highly public contention and questionable behavior on the part of some of our public figures, I think this code of conduct sets in motion a standard that should raise the bar for discussions and decorum.

5. Presentation of Village of Lakewood Organizational Chart Public Comments

6. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance No. 2021- (09) – An Ordinance Amending Chapters 3 and 4 of the Lakewood Municipal Code Pertaining to the Appointment and Supervision of the Chief of Police Public Comments

This just puts the reporting structure for the Police Chief back to the Village President. The reporting structure of the Police Chief has been back and forth so many times in the last 4 years, it's been hard to keep up with.

7. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance No. 2021- (10) – An Ordinance Amending the Lakewood Municipal Code for a Village Manager Public Comments

This is a title change to the more common Village Manager. My only concern here is that I want to ensure that the role of Finance Director is separated from the Village Manager role. I'm hoping that this is a future change planned once the CPA is identified. (and yes, I asked this prior to the meeting as per the Code of Conduct)

8. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance No. 2021- (11) – An Ordinance Amending Section 2.04(B)(2) of the Lakewood Municipal Code (Signing Authority) Public Comments

9. Consideration of a Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement Dated May 11, 2021 Public Comments

10. Consideration of Appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission of John O’Hara as Chairman and Terry Flanagan, Larry Galizi, Andy Knapp, Paul Shamoun, Sheldon Smith and Bill Wayne as Commissioners Public Comments 11. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance No. 2021-(12)-An Ordinance Amending Section 3.07 of the Village Code Regarding Filling Vacancies in the Village Board, Commissions, and Committees Public Comments

This is another thing I'm excited for. I know that the newly elected board members took a lot of flack about the appointments at the last board meeting and while I don't like to play the "what about ___" game -- I can't help but notice that the same board members had no issue with the rush and lack of transparency when there was a new trustee appointed nor when there were other P&Z positions filled. One of the biggest steps forward I see in this ordinance is that there will be public solicitation for interest in a position. This hasn't been done in the last few years -- and I think this will help encourage people who want to step up to have the opportunity to do so without being buddies with the sitting board. I have some questions about how this will work for positions that expire at the end of the term of the President; but that doesn't change the increase in openness this brings. 12. Presentation Regarding Previously Approved Board Salary Increase Public Comments

I believe this is just to review the salary increase that was passed inside a consent agenda by the previous board. I haven't spoken to Dave about this line item specifically, but knowing him -- I don't think this about increasing any board compensation, but likely just being clear about what was done in the past

and how it affects the budget today. 13. Presentation and Consideration of Ordinance 2021-(13) – An Ordinance Amending Section 12.01, Boat Decals, of the Lakewood Municipal Code Public Comments

If you followed the only budget workshop at the 4/13 meeting, our prior Village President and CAO wanted to increase the boat fees by $5 each. They even tried to push for the budget to be approved early (claiming it had been done this way before -- when it in fact hadn't) and violate the public notice requirements of the budget approval process. What they failed to do was actually write the ordinance to increase the fees. The City of Crystal Lake would not accept our budget to increase fees -- as fees are set by ordinance. Alas, this is to clean up the mess. But when the budget got reviewed, it appears no increase is actually needed. 14. Presentation by Public Works Director Gary Zickuhr Regarding the Village of Lakewood Gates Area Public Comments

I have seen no preview on this presentation, but I just want to note that I'm excited to hear this. I know we need a comprehensive plan for drainage -- frankly, throughout the village, but certainly in the Gates. And publicly talking about it seems like the best way to begin to get that plan pushed forward. 15. Presentation Regarding Grafton Township Public Works Damaged Excavator Public Comments

16. Consideration Regarding Low Bid for Village of Lakewood Landscaping Services Public Comments

17. Consideration Regarding West Beach Lift Station Public Comments

18. Presentation and Consideration of Resolution 2021- R(14)-A Resolution Appointing An Authorized Agent of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Public Comments

19. Reports and Comments from Department Heads (To Begin No Later than 10:15 p.m.)

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